St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church in Van Nuys began serving Orthodox Christians in the San Fernando Valley on January 12, 1969. It started with a group of dedicated people who were determined to expand the outreach of Orthodox Christianity with the founding of an Antiochian Orthodox parish in the San Fernando Valley. With the blessing of our Archbishop, His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP, a goal was set for starting a new church and celebrating the first liturgy on January 12th. Space to hold the Divine Liturgy and church school was scheduled to be located at the Mid Valley YMCA. Families were enrolled, the church school was staffed, a choir was formed, and arrangements were made for a temporary priest.
Dr. Edward Deeb, a Methodist Church property at 16643 Vanowen Street in Van Nuys California became available for our use. On January 12, 1969, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated, not at the YMCA, but in a church building with the V. Rev. Paul Romley officiating. Subsequently, through the support of our faithful families, the church property was purchased, consisting of 1.25 acres of land, an “A” framed church, and a two-story fellowship hall with parking.
The number of families pledging support to the new church grew from an initial list of 10, when the planning started in November 1968, to 80 by March 1969. There were 34 children enrolled in the Sunday School and 25 families in “SOYO” our youth organization. St. Michael Church was the first parish consecrated by Metropolitan PHILIP as a full status Orthodox Church without having begun as a mission.
The Parish’s Articles of Incorporation and By-laws were drawn up and filed with the California’s Secretary of State. A founding Board of Trustees was elected and the first officers to serve were: Dr. Edward Deeb, President; Louis Aboud, Vice President; Adele Adams, Secretary; and Jake Thomas, Treasurer. Philip Nassief, Richard Bastron, Charles Whitesell, Fred Sabbagh, Jack Malouf, Carrie Skaff, Don Meena, and Al Homsy were also elected as Trustees.
His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP assigned Fr. John Reinhold, from St. Nicholas Cathedral, to serve as the temporary pastor and officiate at subsequent liturgies until a full-time priest could be found. However, Fr. John remained serving at St. Michael for ten years as its first full-time assigned pastor.
In the ensuing years, it was recognized that larger facilities for a new church, classrooms, and a fellowship assembly hall would be needed to accommodate for the growth of the community, making it necessary to acquire additional property. Over the years this was accomplished by purchasing two multi-family apartment parcels of land located to the east of the church, which increased the Church property to 3.1 acres. Through direct donations, bake sales, rummage sales, socials, numerous other fund-raising activities, and estate donations, the new Church properties were paid off and the mortgage was burned in 1984.
A Building Committee was established who initiated a master plan for a new church complex, consisting of building a church sanctuary, assembly hall and multi-story parking structure. In 1987 the City of Los Angeles approved the project which was to be completed in phases, starting with the assembly hall. Michael Malouf, a volunteer parishioner, negotiated a unique financial plan with Bank Audi of California, for a assembly hall which consisted of a large kitchen and banquet room, classrooms, meeting rooms, office spaces and chapel. Michael Malouf and his father, Jack Malouf, assumed the position and responsibilities of Project Managers and, through their efforts, the construction of the St. Michael Fellowship Hall was completed and put into operation on September 1, 1995. In September of 2006, the St. Michael Parish Council voted to retire the mortgage of the hall in order to avoid further loan interest payments, using the reserve funds of the parish that included the Ted Haddad Estate memorial gift.
On April 9, 2018, construction again began following the dismantling of the “A” frame church structure. A concrete foundation was poured and the steel fabrication of columns and beams were placed for a permanent Byzantine church structure. The 8,400 square foot Byzantine church structure was constructed by Project Manager, Michael Malouf, who once again volunteered, and was given authority by the Parish Council to complete the project. Michael was assisted by Harris Valle, Construction Manager. A total of 4.33 million dollars was expended that included partial exterior landscaping, iron fencing and parking lot improvements. St. Michael Church received its Certificate of Occupancy for its new church sanctuary from the City of Los Angeles on April 3, 2023.
We, the members and friends of St. Michael, are grateful for God’s grace, guidance, and continuous blessings on our Church. We are also thankful for the dedication, love, hard work, and unyielding spirit of all those who have served, labored, and continue to work at St. Michael Church, making it possible for our parish to grow spiritually and to prosper.