Total parish education is the Orthodox vision for Christian education. And the St. Michael Church School program is a vital ministry provided for our youth aiming at that very vision.

Each Sunday, faithful and dedicated teachers prepare age appropriate lessons following a curriculum provided for each age group. It is a growing ministry, and we are grateful to all of those who participate.

Below is some helpful information about this year’s Church School program.


  • Church School begins September 24th, 2023

  • Classes begin directly after Holy Communion and end at noon

  • St. Michael Church School provides classes from PreK – 12th Grades

  • We are asking for each registered family to donate $25 to offset costs — donations must be earmarked “Church School Registration”

  • Parents can register their children for Church School by using the link below

some notes for parents

  1. Classes begin immediately after communion – please be on time to Church

  2. Snacks will be provided

  3. Please do not disturb classes during Church School

  4. Students will return to the fellowship all after classes

  5. Parent support is key in making our Church School program a priority for our students. We ask that you attend Divine Liturgy at 10am on Sundays and enjoy fellowship with other parishioners during our weekly coffee hour.

  6. We look forward to a new year with enthusiasm. We are hoping to join you in providing our children a firm foundation in Orthodoxy.

  7. One of our hopes is for your children to know these PRAYERS before graduating Church School.

The following is a message to our Parents that will help us achieve our goal.

  • All classes start immediate after communion

  • Snacks will be provided

  • Please do not disturb classes 1st grades – 12th grades

  • Students will come to the hall when class is over

  • Pre-k through Kindergarten will be taken to their parents by teachers

Parent support is key in making our Church School program a priority for our students. We ask that you attend Divine Liturgy at 10am on Sundays and enjoy fellowship with other parishioners during our weekly coffee hour.

We look forward to a new year with enthusiasm. We are hoping to join you in providing our children a firm foundation inOrthodoxy.

The following are prayers your children should know before graduating Church School. (Click Here)