The Parish Council consists of nine parishioners who serve a three-year term, elected by the membership of the church each year. In addition, three Council members are appointed by the Pastor and Chair to serve a one-year term. Ex-officio voting members of the Council include: the Choir Director, Church School Superintendent and President of the Antiochian Women. The Parish Council is responsible for the fiscal management of the parish and with the Pastor, assumes the administrative duties of the church
V. Rev. Timothy Baclig
Kris Thabit - Chair
Constantine Nasr - Vice Chair
Michael Mitchell - Secretary
Praneet Panga - Treasurer
Britton McLinn - Assistant Treasurer
Nichols Juganu
Michael Paraskevas - Communications Director
Waleed Moujaes
David Dawud
Fred Milkie, Jr.
Michael C. Srour
Shereen Manning
William Grundler - Choir Director
Cooper Rowe - Church School Superintendent / Youth Director, Operations Manager
Charmaine Darmour - Antiochian Women President
Ex-officio members
Chad Manning - Security and Emergency Management
William Nehme - Hospitality / Young Adult Ministry
Dr. Sam Azzam - Men’s Fellowship
Brittney Ajalat - Young Parents Ministry
Constantine Nasr - Stewardship
Don Meena and Fred Mlikie - Golf Classic Co-Chairs
Cindy Tamoush - Charities
Joseph Wang - Webmaster